Welcome to Marzilli Machine Co’s official “Meet the Author” post! Today we are going to talk a bit about my professional background, my role within the company, my journey up to this point, and what I’m looking to do in the future. This week’s blog also marks the launch of our new blog series called “Meeting Marzilli.” In this series, we will introduce you to a new employee with every post, and dive into their roles, and stories within the company. We plan on creating 2 Meeting Marzilli posts per month, releasing them every other Monday. This series will ensure a steady flow of engaging content intimate to the company, and will fill the gaps between your regular Marzilli Mondays.

My Background
Hi! My name is Cody, I am a 19-year-old from Fall River, MA. I started off studying mechanical engineering as well as architecture in a vocational technical high school. From there I was able to secure a job in the field, working on snubber & piping design. I enjoyed it for a while, but after being exposed to engineering for some time, I realized the career choice I made did not properly suit me, and I needed to find something new. I was more interested in learning new skills that could potentially lead me to becoming my own boss. I had a goal of becoming an entrepreneur. Thankfully I found Marzilli Machine Co. A machine shop local to me, filled with like-minded individuals who will stop for nothing but success. After securing a position as an Executive Assistant, I was eager to grow. Starting out, I was tasked with things such as building systems & documenting them through SOP’s, data entry, and some inventory management. Though these tasks were not exactly fun, I was able to learn a lot about building successful systems, implementing them, and doing what it takes to help the business succeed. Time passed, and I began picking up more responsibilities. I was able to show what I am capable of. Eventually, Information Technology became my responsibility, where I was able to learn a lot about domain management, as well as troubleshooting computer issues efficiently. After a few months, I found myself on the production floor. Running CNC mills and CNC lathes was something entirely new to me, the only prior “experience” I had was my ability to read prints from my background in drafting. With some proper training, and a solid management team, operating these machines was another skill I was able to learn. However, operating isn’t the only thing that comes with that position, I did lots of work with Quality Control, teaching me about inspection and proper measuring techniques. As well as shipping and receiving, where I was able to learn about the flow of production, inside the shop and out. Once I was comfortable with these tasks, I grew back into my office position, where I am today. But now I have the flexibility to return to production if necessary. Being a well-rounded individual within the company is something I am very proud of.

The Present.
Returning to the office was something I was a bit stressed about. I really enjoyed being on the floor, however my skill set was more valuable at my desk, and I knew it was what needed to be done. Thankfully, since I’ve returned to the office I’ve only picked up more skills, and continue to grow every day. As mentioned before, when I started here my goal was to become an entrepreneur, which is why I took the assistant position, it gave me a chance to work at the hip of one. I’ve learned countless lessons from this experience, and ill be the first to tell you, being an entrepreneur isn’t as glamorous as it seems. Everybody wants to be their own boss, but very few actually know what it takes, and even fewer have the work ethic to do so. It is not an easy feat, and working hand in hand with Jamie has showed me that I should slow down, and take advantage of the opportunities given to me first, before I go out and try to make my own. Currently, my main priority is the marketing for the company. After revamping the entire website, I am now tracking analytics, creating blogs like the one you are reading now, and doing everything I can to get Marzilli in front of more eyes. I still manage the IT department, and I write the occasional SOP, but marketing is definitely where the majority of my time is spent. My goal for the foreseeable future is to continue with Marzilli’s marketing, and grow the companies social media presence exponentially. You can expect new content to be published weekly, in the form of blog posts, company info, announcements, etc. If you made it this far, I’d like to give you a little preview into our upcoming blog topics, as well as provide you with a place to request specific blog topics you would like to see published. My goal with writing this is to educate the audience about CNC manufacturing, as well as provide you guys with an inside look at the company. My next three scheduled blogs include an in depth look at “CNC Milling”, a new installment of “Meeting Marzilli” where I will be personally interviewing Jamie Marzilli, the president of the company, and an in depth look at “CNC Turning”. If you have any specific blog requests, please email them to me at cody@marzmachine.com, and I will be sure to take them into consideration!